Bowen Therapy is a holistic technique developed by Tom Bowen in Geelong Australia during the 1950’s. Bowen Therapy is a series of gentle moves that work on the body as a whole, rather than isolated parts. This helps to relieve pain from acute to chronic conditions. It can also enhance overall well-being and improve energy flow throughout the body.
Throughout our body is a system of connective tissue called fascia, which as the name suggests connects structures within the body. When fascia is tight or ‘bound’ our muscles, tendons, ligaments and muscles tendons and joints don’t move as freely as they should. Fascial binding can occur from a range of sources including dehydration and lack of movement. Bowen Therapy is a gentle non-invasive therapy, consisting of a series of small movements that releases any tightness or adhesions in the fascia. This assists in calming the nervous system and restoring the movement throughout the muscular skeletal system.
Because of its gentle nature Bowen Therapy is suitable for anyone including newborns, pregnant women and the elderly. It can assist recovery from many conditions with relief experienced after just one session and significant resolution within three sessions, depending on the condition. Chronic conditions or repeat injury may require additional treatments. People can also benefit from regular Bowen Therapy to maintain their well-being.